Friday, July 24, 2009

Announcing . . .

The baby pool is now closed for guesses!

Ha! I bet I got your attention with that title, didn't I?

Okay, I promise, the next time I start a post with that kind of title, I won't psyche you out - it will be the real news, for sure.

I am still pregnant and Mike and I are just doing some last minute prep to get ready for the birth. I am working on getting the final items into my hospital bag, Mike will clean out the hot tub so I can do some laboring in there, and I am preparing cue cards with scripts and other helpful info for our birth team.

I am pulling a lot of information from our Bradley childbirth handbook, and even more from Birthing from Within, by Pam England and Rob Horowitz. I absolutely love this book! It has been a life saver as I come nearer to the birth of the baby. It has really served as a useful tool to keep me focused and grounded during a potentially maddening time.

Okay, gotta get myself running . . . still more to do!

p.s. I posted this on Facebook, but if you aren't on there, here is a picture of the baby's room, ready to go:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Trac
I am glad that you are getting preped - but don't be dissapointed if you don't get to use your plans - my first babies were born with in 4 hours of starting labor!

Good luck and I can't wait to find out that I won the pool!!!
