Saturday, July 25, 2009

40 Weeks!

Here I am, on my due date . . . and still no baby. Did you know that only 5% of babies actually arrive on their due dates? And how about this - the average gestational period for a first time pregnancy is 41 weeks and one day. And, technically, I am not "post term" until after 42 weeks. The normal duration of a pregnancy is generally between 38 - 42 weeks. So, I am still in the window.

It is my goal to have this baby naturally. Well, really it is my goal to have both baby and I be very healthy and happy - so if our plans fly out the window, so be it. Having said that, I am still going to advocate for a natural birth. My OB prefers to induce at 41 weeks. When I met with her yesterday I asked if we could play it by ear, day by day, once I hit 41 weeks. Thankfully, she said that she is open to that as long as we are closely monitoring the health of the baby. So, far, the baby looks great. I had an ultrasound yesterday and he/she looks wonderful. We even got a few profile pics of the little one that are just too cute!

I felt a real morale boost after the ultrasound - and extra sense of motivation to hang in there and meet this little one. I mean, I don't really have too much of a choice in the matter, but I can choose to approach the coming days as an inconvenience or I can trust that this baby will come when he/she is good and ready, and really cherish the last bit of time I have with him/her inside of me. Not to mention that Mike and I try to enjoy our time together as just us, before "baby makes three".

As much as I am willing to wait this out, I also want to avoid a medical induction if at all possible. Did you know that once pitocin is given, there is a 50% chance of a c-section? That is what I am trying to avoid. So, I started using evening primrose oil last night to help ripen the cervix, and I am working to find an acupuncturist that specializes in labor induction. I also purchased a labor tincture, which I will wait to use once I have consulted with the acupuncturist or an herbalist.

I have all sorts of other thoughts and feelings going on right now, but I will spare you all the details of this adventure. So, here are a few belly shots from a few hours ago - at 40 weeks:

So, there you have it - one pregnant mama eagerly awaiting the arrival of one Tiny Dancer!


epoophoron said...

Hang in there Tracy! I know it was really super frustrating for us when Audrey was late, but in the end, they come when they're good and ready, just like you said. It sounds like you are doing all the right things. We'll be thinking of you & Mike a lot in the next few days, and look forward to hearing the news, whenever it comes!


Sara Grieser said...


And how do you not have one stretch mark and STILL have that pregnancy glow!? I'm so jealous!

You look amazing and I can not wait for your little ones arrival. As far as natural goes, try to eat pineapple. I swear, it works. I had some at 10:30 a.m. and starting contracting one hour later!

Hugs, Sara

Ambrosia and Spencer said...

No rush...enjoy these last few days before you get to ride the waves of labor. It is an amazing experience!