Saturday, January 30, 2010

Spidey Senses

Last night we put Evelyn to bed in her crib. We have done this in the past, but haven't stuck with it due to a lack of planning. I don't know if we will stick with it this time, but that is the intention for now. I decided it was time to start her out in the crib again because our quality of sleep was quickly going downhill. In the past week, she would wake up every time I went to bed. Mike would go to bed and she would sleep soundly. The minute I walked into the room she would start to wiggle and grunt, working herself into a fully awake state.

On one hand, this wake-up was not a big deal. I was up, so I would feed her and she would re-settle. On the other hand, it baffled me. She was sleeping 5-7, even sometimes 8 hours before waking to be fed, so why would she start waking up now, after 3-4 hours of sleep? It could be a growth spurt, which is common at around six months. I don't know, and I could go on and on speculating the cause. My guess was either growth spurt or spidey senses. I think she smells me when I come into the room and after that, it's game over. So, going on the spidey sense theory, we opted to move her out of our room and see what would happen. Last night she slept for 7 hours before wanted to nurse. That was night one.

The spidey sense goes both ways, though. Before Evelyn awoke last night, I woke first. I listened intently, wondering if maybe a noise from the monitor woke me up. All was quiet in the house, so I settled back into bed, not quite able to go back to sleep. Five minutes later, she stirred. I waited, wondering if she would resettle. She did not. She called out in her own special way, letting me know it was time to eat. That has happened so many times in the course of our relationship. It still amazes me how true it is when "they" say how Mama and baby can be so in tune with each other.

I thought I'd end this post with a picture of Evie sleeping contentedly in her crib. Well, there is no way in hell I'd risk waking her up for the sake of the blog, so I settled with one from earlier this week. We had all just woken up and Mike & Evie were playing in bed. Enjoy!

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