Sunday, September 14, 2008

A visit from the 'rents

My folks came up from Southern California to visit for the weekend. Only a couple of months passed since their last visit, but they hadn't seen the "finished" house yet. They saw the house when we first got the keys, but not anything beyond the initial paint on the walls. They loved the house and we loved having them here for the weekend!

Saturday we spent the day with my parents and Mike's dad at the City of Santa Clara's Fall Art and Wine Festival. I anticipated that the festival would be small, but was pleasantly surprised when we arrived and saw that it was actually pretty big! They had a lot of food vendors, a ton of creative and unique craft vendors, beer and wine booths, and some bootie-shakin' live funk music to top it all off. The weather was beautiful and the beer was cold.

One of the purchases I made was a pot hanger for the back porch. Our backyard is a good size, and much of it is overgrown with geranium and untended roses. It actually looks pretty good, though, what with all the colors from the flowers. My point, however, is that we haven't done too much gardening apart from general upkeep, because there is so much to do to just get the landscaping under control. So, when I saw this hanger, I was excited at the prospect of having a small herb garden without having to do a major overhaul to clear out some of the existing landscaping. Click here for more information on the product and the folks that make these pot hangers.

Today we spent our morning at the Campbell farmers market, where I was able to buy the herbs to put in my new hanging herb garden. I purchased basil, oregano, thyme, dill, garlic chives, and spearmint from a vendor at the farmers market.

This is the end product, hanging in its temporary new home on the back porch:

Herbs, herbs, and more herbs!

What's up, party people?

Mike & Jon, kickin' it on the grass

Me 'n my peeps

Me 'n Zoolander

That last picture was actually taken last weekend, when Mike & I were out to dinner. I just had to throw it in, though. I mean, how could I keep Blue Steel from the public?


Jenn said...

you both are looking HOTT!

Sorry to miss Chris and Alice this weekend...sounds like you had a great time with them! Hoorah!

luv, jenn :)

Anonymous said...

Nice pose, Zoolander! :) I miss you guys. You know, that cute red barn-looking house across the street is going to up for sale again soon . . . ;) Just kidding, but hey, I have my "Kennedys and Mayers live on our block" fantasies from time to time.