Monday, June 30, 2008

A Quick Note on Comments, and Moving

I've had a couple of people tell me that they've tried to add comments but were unable. I don't know why that is, but I will see if I can figure it out. I have it set up so that anyone can comment, but it sounds like that isn't the case.

As for our move, we moved everything on Saturday and have been unpacking and reassembling the house since then. I have pictures to post, but am not able to get them online yet. The computers aren't hooked up yet, and even if they were, I have no idea where my camera cable is! I will post some soon!


MurphyDog said...

I'm looking forward to some real pics...not just the little ones on my phone! (not that I'm complaining...those are still good too!)

Tracy said...

Mike's computer is now up and running, as of yesterday. So now I just have to find the cable to my camera! Hold tight, sis!

Chris Redondo said...

Hi T and Mike:

The physical house is just the start. You are aleady making it your own home with lots of TLC, time, sweat and, yes, $$. It will all fall into place in good time. This is just the start of truly making it your own.

Congrats and love!