Also, in case you were paying very close attention, the ticker at the top of this blog used to reflect a due date of July 23. That was my original due date. I had two ultrasounds during the pregnancy that reflected a due date of July 25, which is the date that I actually use. So, I've adjusted the ticker to reflect that date. This Saturday I will be officially 40 weeks pregnant. Here I am at 38 weeks and 5 days. I count this photo as the 39-week belly picture.
I don't know what made me think about it, but one day I was just miserable in the heat and I was daydreaming about the little muumuu I bought when we were in Hawaii for our honeymoon. It comes to my knees and has a little tube top with an empire waist and a very flowy skirt. I originally bought it as a cover-up, but one day last week it occurred to me that it would probably fit by big belly perfectly right now. Sure enough! When I tried it on, I swore to Mike that I would wear that dress every day for the remainder of the pregnancy. Granted, I have not stayed true to my word (thankfully), but I have worn it a couple of times and am just so happy when I am in it! I am wearing the dress in the above picture.
In case you are wondering how I am feeling, I am still doing pretty well, considering I am full-term and pretty big. I've had many people tell me that I am all belly and that I do not look 9 months pregnant - and I thank each and everyone, but really - I feel big. I notice most when bending over, twisting, and getting up. My hips are achey from carrying the extra weight and my back is tired before I am barely out of bed in the morning.
I am surprised at the amount of effort it takes to turn from side to side when I am in bed - a task which wakes me up every time. I am up 1-2 times during the night, but only for a few minutes to use the bathroom and reposition myself, so I do not feel too sleep-deprived. Yet. Talk to me a couple of weeks after TD's arrival and I am sure I will be singing a different song.
The newest discomfort of late pregnancy that I am facing is swelling. I've had a few episodes of swelling throughout the pregnancy, but the heat and being late-term really did me in over the weekend. We had a yard sale and by the end of the day I officially had cankles. These were my feet on Saturday evening:
Sunday was even worse, but I didn't take a picture of my feet. We were out in the heat for quite a bit in the afternoon. When we got back to the house, Mike (my hero!) filled up a bucket with ice water. I sat for over an hour soaking my feet. The swelling went down a little, and by this morning I could almost recognize my feet as my own. They poofed up again today, but not nearly as bad. I figure this is short-term anyways, so I can put up with it for a bit longer.
In other, non-pregnancy news, I am happy to share that our garden continues to progress nicely. Last night I picked our first ear of corn to see if it was ready. I think I may have picked it a bit early, but I was still excited to see that we succeeded at growing corn!
In addition to the corn, our tomato plants are producing beautiful and huge beefsteak heirlooms. I imagine that if the heat continues, we should have a few ripe tomatoes shortly after the arrival of TD. Here is the one tomato that has already started to ripen a bit. As you can see, Mike is super excited about it. :)
On a sad note, we had a neighborhood gopher eat our pumpkin. So, no giant pumpkin this year. I am still grieving the loss of that one.
I am sure there is more to post about, but for now I've covered the basic odds & ends that I had in mine when I sat down to write tonight. Stay tuned for more updates, maybe a 40-week belly shot, and a birth announcement in the coming days (weeks???).
I have thoroughly enjoyed your pregnancy journey. Thank you for sharing it with us. I look forward to your first post with pictures of Tiny Dancer!
OMG! I am so proud of you for posting your cankles! You brave woman LOL!
Oh the dreaded cankles. I did the whole pregnant during summer thing last year, and it was pretty miserable (loved being pregnant, not so much in the heat). Enjoy these last few days/weeks together as a twosome, pretty soon it will be all baby!
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